Teacher of the Month: Luke Edmiston
Welcome to Flex’ new ‘Teacher of the Month‘ series! Here, we will introduce you to teachers, facilitators and other Flex team members we are proud to have on board, and who we think you’ll love just as much as we do…
The first one on our list is Luke Edmiston (37), who has recently started teaching at Flex after completing our 2019 yoga teacher training.
From out-of-control kid to martial artist and yoga teacher
Luke’s story isn’t one of early yogic inspiration and easy flow. Whilst he started to get into sports at a young age, it was always on the competitive end of things. To this day, he loves the ‘warrior’ and the strength a good Hot Power Vinyasa class conveys …
Having lost one of his closest friends at age 14, he went on a rough ride for a few years in his 20s, blurring the lines between his own hurting heart and inflicting pain on himself and others. When his dad and step mum passed away tragically a few years later, he ended up spiralling down into an even darker place. What saved him was a mix of counselling, personal development work and - most importantly - a volunteer stay in Cambodia. There, he learnt a bunch of big life lessons and was able to reconnect to a sense of family and community. To this day, he is connected to his Village there, fundraising for schools and welfare, and participating in charity work through CREF, the Cambodian Rural Education Fund.
“Nothing will put you into the present moment like being in a fight.”
Back in Australia, Luke reconnected to martial arts and kickboxing, and eventually became a Personal Trainer. Looking back, he says “there’s nothing more humbling than martial arts. Mantra and I sometimes joke about that. If you do it right, you don’t walk out with a big ego”. After his wild years, he transformed himself from angry kid to spiritual warrior, from anger and sadness to leader and mentor.
He didn’t get into yoga until his partner (and now fellow Flex yoga teacher) Ella invited him along to a class a few years ago. Initially, he came for the deep stretches, which helped him stay flexible in his high intensity training routine. Eventually, when starting to practice at Flex, he started appreciating Power Vinyasa for its strength work as well.
Nowadays, yoga is his main conditioning work for martial arts, and he only works with weights about once per week. He loves being agile and having a balanced practice: more flexibility = less pain.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift - that’s why they call it the present”
Another love he has found is yoga philosophy: “As a holistic trainer, I integrate the philosophy in my sessions. Whilst I aim to maximise the performance of my clients, I do my best to add a foundation of happiness in presence, acceptance and gratitude. Martial arts is really good for that, too: Accept if things don’t go your way, but be ready for the next challenge!”
Luke says that his newly found depth of practice after his teacher training has given him a more relaxed and calm demeanour. There’s less of a need to be in the spotlight, and more of a sattvic attitude, seeing himself at the service of others and leading the way by example. Yet still, some things never change: “I love warrior metaphors in yoga, and their connection to the Bhagavad Gita. You will often hear me refer to Arjuna in his inner and outer battle, when I tell people to hold their bow & arrow and aim true…”
Want to join Luke’s classes? He teaches at Flex on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 9:30am, and on Sundays at 4pm and 5:40pm.
Ahead lies a year of competition, yet balance
In 2020, we will see more of Luke at Flex as a yoga teacher: “I love Flex, because in comparison to other yoga studios, here we have quite a few males as well. It’s such a great and invigorating community to be a part of!“ Luke will also compete more in Jiu Jitsu - a passion he shares with Mantra, who has not only become a mentor, but also a good friend and sparring partner.
Looking at the upcoming 2020 edition of Flex Yoga Teacher Training he adds: “If you are contemplating joining the teacher training, go for it - it’s a life changing experience, as cliché as that sounds. My life now is much more rounded and balanced, with a newfound humility and acceptance. While you are in training, you sometimes wish you had your weekends back. But afterwards you truly appreciate how amazing it was.”
Want to find out more about Luke, or even work with him as a personal trainer?
Have a look at his website Zest Performance where he offers Personal Training & Lifestyle Coaching, Private Yoga and Mixed Martial Arts Coaching. You can also find and follow Luke on Instagram.