Posture of the month: Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja's Twist)
Image source on Instagram: @ryokonagaoka
Twist and turns with a great sage
This month, our POM is Bharadvajasana, a simple yet powerful seated twist. This posture is said to “squeeze out tension and stress”, like wringing out a dishcloth before you hang it to dry. It is hence considered calming for the mind, and a good support in de-stressing.
In Sanskrit, the ancient language of the yogis, Bharadvajasana means 'Bharadvajasna Twist', referring to one of the seven great sages from the Ramayana, called Bharadvaja and Asana (seat or posture). It is also known as ‘Nourishing Pose’, as the two syllables of his name, bhara(d) and vaja(m), translate to "bringing about nourishment”.
In terms of chakras, Bharadvajasana activates the Root Chakra (Muladhara) and Heart Chakra (Anahata). Read on to find out more about this wonderful posture, and it’s mythological origin…
Health benefits you can expect from practicing Bharadvajasana
As mentioned above, with some practice Bharadvajasana is easily attainable even for inexperienced yogis. Not all ‘Postures of the Month’ have to be challenging and advanced after all. This one here has a host of benefits for your health and wellbeing, and is one of the few twisted poses safe to practice even later in pregnancy, if done correctly and with care. Here is what Bharadvajasana can do for you:
Strengthens the oblique muscles
Stretches the lumbar and thoracic region and can thus help with lower back pain and sciatica (check with your doctor though if you are suffering from chronic or acute pain or injuries)
Improves general flexibility of your hips and shoulders
Can help with cervical pain
Can help relieve carpal tunnel syndrome pain
Massages and tones your abdominal, and can help with digestion
Twists at the hip, wrist and ankle joints can help alleviate arthritis and the associated pain
Improves the flow of prana through deep stretches to the spine and a gentle twist, and can thus help boost your energy
Helps improve your posture
Boosts the Parasympathetic Nervous System and allows you to relax
Is a good posture to practice (gently!) during the second trimester in pregnancy, as it helps to strengthen the lower back. Bharadvajasana is one of the few twists that are safe for pregnancy!
Image source on Instagram: @nahalashtanga
The sage Bharadvaja and his place in history
18th century painting: ‘Rama, Sita and Lakshman in the forest with sage Bharadvaja’; source: Wikipedia
Bharadvaja was a renowned scholar, economist, grammarian and physician. He is one of the Saptarishis (seven great sages or Mahaishis) mentioned in the Vedas. He appears multiple times in the Ramayana and Mahabharata, the two great epics of Vedic literature from ancient India, mostly around the time when Lord Rama, his wife Sita and brother Lakshman were fleeing their kingdom and seeking refuge in the woods. They met him at his ashrama and he was overjoyed to meet the Lord, who he had worshipped in Deity form all his life, finally in person. The metaphysical point here is that if you hold a focus for long enough and perform your austerities and service, you are able to bring the object of your desire into your life.
However, today’s story is a different one. In another tale, it is said that sage Bharadvaja lived for three lifetimes and was entirely consumed by his studies to fully understand the Vedic scriptures. When he passed, it was barely noticed, because nobody even knew him.
As he lay dying at the end of his third lifetime, Lord Shiva decided to visit him. He asked him what he was doing. Bharadvaja shared about his ardent studies to please Shiva and asked to be taken with him, and exit the Wheel of Birth and Death. Much to his surprise, he was denied and told “I hope you finally learn your lesson about all this outrageous studying you’ve been doing!”
To explain, Shiva picked up a handful of dirt and told Bharadvaja “In your first lifetime, this is how much you learned.” He then picked two more handfuls of dirt, making the same point for the second and third lifetime. By this point, the humble Bharadvaja was in tears. So much work, and all for nothing? So Shiva explained with compassion: “Even though you know more than anyone on the Vedas it is only a handful compared to the mountain of information that is still left to be learned. You do not understand the true meaning of the scriptures because you never bothered to share their grace and joy with others. It is through sharing this wisdom that it will truly come alive.”
So he was given yet another lifetime, and this time spent his days educating students and showing compassion. Many years later, on his deathbed again, he was surrounded by students of many lands to pay him respect. Shiva appeared again, expressed his respect and joy, and this time invited him to join him. But Bharadvaja denied: “Living this great wisdom is more of a heaven that I could ever ask for.”
So ask yourself, as you practice this wonderful sage-like pose: What is it that you can learn and share with joy, for the benefit of others? Where are you holding back, and how could you give more of yourself and your knowledge or wisdom?
Curious to try? Then come along to Flex regularly and practice with us! There are over 25 classes/week, and we will practice Bharadvajasana daily during all of October 2023!
Acknowledgment: the most valuable resource for this post was an article by Ankur Tunaak from