Posture category of the month: Core


Living with a strong core

When thinking of core strength through yoga postures, the immediate go-to is: ‘great abs’ and ‘getting in shape for summer’. And yes, that’s definitely one of the beautiful side-effects of practicing these poses.

On a deeper level, core strength is much more than an external endeavour though. When it really comes down to it, it’s about feeling empowered and being able to take a firm stance. Knowing deep within that we can stand our ground and keep pushing ahead despite adversity, trusting that we will come out fine on the other side.

So what does core strength mean to you?

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Benefits of improving your Core Strength

Chiseling your abs isn’t just perfect for having a hot summer body. There are a bunch more positive effects you will experience when working on your core muscles:

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  • Lower the risk of back pain and where you already might have some, improve it. Engaging your abs and inner core muscles protects and supports your spine and discs, for example when lifting heavy groceries. We have all been told to “lift from your core” and when you train those muscles and can feel them, it’s way more natural to engage them in your day-to-day life.

  • Balance yourself more easily on and off the mat. During yoga classes you will notice improvements in balancing postures like tree pose, triangle etc.. And off the mat, as you age, you will appreciate the firm stance you have where others might fall over easily and risk debilitating fractures.

  • Improve your posture by holding yourself tall, eyes ahead, shoulders back… With good core strength, this will become your natural way of being, well beyond the slouching and slumping you might be used to.

  • You will improve your breathing once you have better posture as well, being able to fill your lungs to the maximum with delicious fresh air.

  • Hold your asanas better and longer because you are able to engage your core. Many postures like handstand, side plank, crow and others will collapse immediately if you don’t have proper core strength. The more you are able to engage your core, the more improvements you will see in your yoga practice.

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Know thyself - who are you at your core?

This might sound a bit metaphysical, but what is true for your body, is true for your mind too. How strongly are you able to hold yourself and stand in your truth if you have a weak core? If YOU don’t know who you are and what you want, how will you ever back yourself and create strong boundaries, especially when the going gets tough?

Your yoga practice can be a perfect mirror for a much larger inner journey. Have you ever experienced a deep emotional release after a challenging yoga practice, because your muscles suddenly softened and released long-held tension, bringing back the associated pain so it could be dealt with? In the same way, starting from a weak and unreliable core and strengthening it day by day and week by week can be an invitation to strengthen yourself mentally.

Take this month of focusing on your core as an invitation to explore beyond the physical and look at the mental, emotional and maybe even spiritual aspects of your core strength. Your biggest challenges can often be the best pointers: Where do you back down more than you should? When do you shrink? Who do you say ‘yes’ to when you want to say ‘no’? And then, once you are aware… how would you like it to be instead? If you had a strong core right now… how would you respond? Enjoy the journey of discovery…

Curious to learn more? Come along to Flex regularly and practice with us! There are over 25 classes/week, and we will practice Core Postures daily during all of June 2021!

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