Posture of the month: Urdhva Dhanruasana (The Wheel)
In November, we will focus on Urdhva Dhanurasana as our Posture of the Month - a deep backbend and delicious, wide heart-opener.
Urdhva Dhanurasana is Sanskrit for 'Upward Facing Bow' pose (from Urdhva: upward, Dhanu: bow and asana: posture), but commonly called Full Wheel Pose. It is also referred to as 'Chakrasana'. (Chakra = Wheel)
Like all backbends, Urdhva Dhanurasana has great benefits if you spend too much time on your desk. It also does wonders for those who want to get their bellies in shape as summer approaches, and is said to aid in opening your heart.
Your Chakra System
If you have moved in the yoga world for long enough, you will be familiar with the term Chakra (wheel/disk). In traditional Indian spiritual and healing systems, chakras are said to be the energy centres of the body. They are said to be slowly rotating in the locations where our nadis, the channels of prana (life force energy) meet. Seen from a Western perspective, they each correspond with certain nerve bundles and organ systems.
Commonly, you will hear about seven main chakras that run along your spine. Starting at the root (or base) of your spine, they extend all the way up to the crown of your head:
Root chakra
The root chakra (Muladhara) is located at the base of your spine. It is all about grounding, a stable base and the foundation of your life. If the energy flows freely here, you feel solid and resilient, and are able to meet life’s challenges. This is where your sense of security and stability resides.
Sacral chakra
Your sacral chakra, (Svadhisthana) is located in the area of your navel. Here, your sexual and creative energies are based, so it relates to your emotions as well as your ability to tune into the emotions of others.
Solar plexus
The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) is located in your stomach area, where the fire of digestion burns. In free flow, it is the energy of your confidence and self-esteem and helps you take control of your life. If it is blocked, you feel powerless and helpless.
Heart chakra
The heart chakra (Anahata) is located in the centre of your chest. It is all about your ability to give and receive love, show compassion and care. If it is blocked, you feel disconnected from others as well as from yourself.
Throat chakra
Located in your throat, this chakra (Vishuddha) relates to your ability to communicate and speak your truth. In free flow, it allows you to fully express yourself. If it is blocked, you are avoiding speaking your truth, or have been stifled in doing so.
Third eye chakra
The third eye chakra (Ajna) is located between your eyes. It relates to your intuition as well as your imagination. With a clear and blockage-free third eye, you can see beyond the obvious and are able to tune into a strong inner knowing.
Crown chakra
The crown chakra (Sahasrara) is located on top of your head. It represents your true purpose for being on this earth, and the spiritual connection you have with yourself, others, and the Divine.
Health Benefits of practicing the Wheel
The Wheel activates your whole spine, along with your kidneys and endocrine system. This has series of health benefits:
(1) Belly Fat: If you are working on your desk all day long, your posture won’t be all too healthy. If you are sitting hunched over a lot, you are likely to carry some extra belly fat. Activating and stretching the abdomen can help you counteract the negative effects.
(2) Anxiety: In times of Covid-19, we have to take extra care of our mental health. Practicing Urdhva Dhanurasana helps decrease your cortisol levels, calm your nerves and reduces your fight/flight response.
(3) Stretching it out can help you strengthen your arms, shoulders, legs and chest.
(4) You spine will appreciate a deep stretch after sitting all day long. Giving it the opportunity to fully lengthen and decompress will be good for your vertebrae, discs and spinal cord.
(5) Depression: Postures that place the head below the heart are said to help improve mental health issues like depression and anxiety, as they encourage blood flow to the brain.
Want to learn more? The main sources of this post have been a very insightful article by Jessica on and a great article on Chakras on