Posture of the month: Yoganidrasana (Yogic Sleep Pose)
A period of stillness
In December, we will practice Yoganidrasana, the Yogic Sleep Pose. It is a deep forward bend or, to be more precise, an inverted forward bend reclined pose. Questions anybody?
The Sanskrit name consists of three syllables: Yoga (to link / connect / unite), Nidra (sleep) and Asana (seat / pose / posture). It can also be found under the name of Dvi Pada Sirsasana, which describes the balancing form of the pose you can see in the picture right here.
Yoga Nidra is a blissful and relaxed, meditative state between sleep and wakefulness. It takes you into an alpha state - the brain wave frequency that links conscious thought with the subconscious mind. This way, you can gain fresh insights, knowledge and wisdom. Vedic philosophy speaks of a similar state at the beginning of time.
Read on to find out more …
Photo Credit: @maria.jiva
The benefits of practicing Yoganidrasana
At first glance, Yoganidrasana looks like an impossible pretzel pose. And yet, once you have practiced enough and achieve coming all the way into it, it’s very relaxing, while deeply stretching the hamstrings and lower back muscles. Jack will show you how to get there step by step during his POM workshop on 10 December. Here are the benefits you can expect from practicing Yoganidrasana:
Increases flexibility
Strengthens your hips, lower back, spine, and inner thighs
Boosts circulation and improves the oxygen supply in the body
By putting pressure on your lower abdomen, it is said to help boost digestion
In putting pressure also on the adrenal glands it is said to help boost your metabolism
Strengthens your abdomen muscles and is said to help eliminate constipation and gas, over time.
It stimulates your Sacral (Svadhisthana) Chakra, which opens you up for more pleasure, creative expression and procreation
The practice is said to warm the body rapidly
Yoganidrasana promotes a deep sense of relaxation in the body which alleviates stress and anxiety
It can promote better quality sleep and alleviate insomnia
Stillness between the ages
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In Vedic philosophy, life and death is not seen as linear (it starts and then ends), but cyclical (ebbing and flowing, with birth, death and re-birth). Mahapralaya, the cosmic dissolution, occurs when the world goes beyond redemption and dharma has been compromised beyond repair. This is not an end but a reset: death before rebirth.
[The Ocean] becomes the bed of the lotus-naveled Vishnu when at the termination of every Yuga that deity of immeasurable power enjoys yoga nidra, the deep sleep under the spell of spiritual meditation. — Mahabharata, Book 1, section XXI
In between ages, this Yoga Nidra is a period of absolute stillness. Vishnu, the Supreme personality of Godhead, reclines over the still cosmic waters on the endless coils of the serpent Ananta Sesha, which represents time, and is focused on the infinite reality of his own Divine identity. Everything else that existed and will exist again lies around him in the still primeval waters, the so-called milk ocean. This blissful period of stillness, relaxation and conception ends when creation starts anew, represented by Brahma seated on a lotus that rises out of Vishnu’s navel.
So are you ready to learn and master Yoganidrasana? Then come along to Flex regularly and practice with us! There are over 25 classes/week, and we will practice it daily during all of December 2022!
This month, we acknowledge Abhilash Rajendran from for the metaphysical insights quoted in this post.