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Advanced Anatomy: 11 Systems of the Body - 3 full days with Suzie Kellett

Your investment: $799 (For a 25% + discount, register for the complete RYT-300 pathway)

This 3-day workshop on Advanced Anatomy: 11 Systems of the Body is part of a series of masterclasses and workshop weekends that will allow you to collect credits towards your RYT-500 accreditation with Yoga Alliance.

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As a seasoned E-RYT-500 and YACEP yoga teacher, specialised in Anatomy, Yin Yoga and Mindfulness, Suzie Kellett is a much loved guest facilitator and wellspring of yogic wisdom, especially during the Anatomy section of the Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training.

During this 3-day immersion, she will lead you much deeper down the magical rabbit hole of human anatomy, into the 11 systems of the body, and teach you to leverage your skills as a yoga teacher to support your students’ health and healing in a variety of ways.

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  • Pancha Koshas & Gunas as they relate to Anatomy & Physiology

  • 11 systems of the body (integumentary, muscular, skeletal, nervous, circulatory, …) incl. the 7 dhatus (tissues), and introduction to fascia

  • Nervous & respiratory system, incl. sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

  • Digestive system, an introduction into the Ayurvedic six stages of disease model & mindful eating

  • Enteric Nervous System (ENS) & Cardiovascular System

  • Lymphatic System, the spine & back

  • Joint issues, common conditions, the core and introduction to trauma & PTSD

Accreditation / CEP credits: 30hrs

Time: 7am - 6pm daily

Investment: $799

To receive a 25% + discount, contact us to register for the complete RYT-500 pathway

>> This workshop is for accredited RYT-200 yoga teachers (trained by Flex or other studios) as well as intermediate and advanced yoga students <<

Make sure to book early to avoid disappointment! Workshops with sought after senior teachers like Suzie often book out well in advance.

About Suzie

Before she became a yoga teacher, Master Teacher Suzie Kellett spent 13 years as a police officer, specialising for 8 years as a crime scene investigator.

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The consistent exposure to traumatic events took a physical, physiological and psychological toll and eventually led to a diagnosis of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and anxiety along with gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). In 2014 Suzie medically retired and started to fully dedicate herself to teaching yoga.

Since then, Suzie has undergone a great deal of study and practice with teachers from all around the world and is the healthiest and happiest she’s ever been. Her deep dedication to her craft, her wealth of wisdom and her engaging and joyous teaching style make Suzie a much loved part of our teacher training team here at Flex. As a as a seasoned E-RYT-500 yoga teacher, a yoga therapist, a mindfulness coach and a student of Zen Buddhism she delivers highest quality trainings to her students.

Contact us if you have any questions - we are happy to help…