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Philosophy Deep Dive: Sanskrit & Patanjali's Yoga Sutras - 3 days with Michael and Mantra

Your investment: $799 (See package pricing for discounts)

This 3-day workshop on Sanskrit & Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is part of a series of masterclasses and workshop weekends that will allow you to collect credits towards your RYT-500 accreditation with Yoga Alliance.

During this immersion weekend, master teachers Michael Olabode and Mantra Schultz will take you on a journey of discovery into the fascinating depths of the ancient language of the yogis, Sanskrit, and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Join two avid spiritual seekers, who have all lived and studied in India for years, and delve head first into Yogic Philosophy.

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  • Sanskrit Syllables and Pronunciation (12 vowels and 35 consonants that make up the Sanskrit alphabet)

  • Principles of sandhi and grammar

  • Pronunciation of yoga asanas and their meaning

  • Meaning of sastra, sutra and sloka

  • In-depth study of the chapters of the Yoga Sutras, e.g. deepening your understanding of Kriya Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga (yamas and niyamas, progression through asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi, different types of avidya, sevenfold pranta bhumih prajna, 8 mystic powers (siddhi or vibhuti) and more …

  • BONUS: 2hr Zoom Masterclass with Keenan Crisp with FAQ & discussion about how to apply the yoga sutras in being an inspiring yoga teacher

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Accreditation / CEP credits: 30hrs

Time: 7am - 4pm daily

Investment: $799

To receive a significant discount, contact us to register for the complete RYT-500 pathway

This workshop is for accredited RYT-200 yoga teachers (trained by Flex or other studios) as well as intermediate and advanced yoga students. However, only RYT-200 certified yoga teachers can gain the certification to teach.

Make sure to book early to avoid disappointment! Workshops with sought after senior teachers like Mantra can book out well in advance.

Your facilitators

Michael Olabode

Michael Olabode is a yoga philosophy teacher, personal development facilitator and international speaker who travels around Australia, Africa, Asia and Europe to help people build their self-awareness through a blend of modern self-development tools and age old yogic philosophy.

At 17, he became a young entrepreneur, studied Business and traded commodities from aluminium to sugar in the heart of London. He was noticed by Young Enterprise after joint-founding a company that personalised gifts in London. It won a Future100 award for ethical and environmentally-friendly business.

While still at university, he met a student of the mentor of both Muhammad Ali & Nelson Mandela who exposed him to eastern philosophy.

After graduating and trading for a global bank, Michael decided to explore the wisdom of yoga further. Having been to India 11 times in the last 10 years to study yogic wisdom, he was invited to teach and host interactive seminars in universities and institutions in places like the UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Nigeria, India, Australia & NZ. Since arriving in Australia, he has taught Yoga Philosophy on a series of Level 1 and Level 2 yoga teachers trainings.

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Mantra Schultz - Creator of Flex Hot Yoga & Course Director

Mantra began his yoga practice over 20 years ago on a journey through yoga temples, Indian ashrams and various parts of the globe to learn the art and science of yoga.

In 2011, he founded Flex Hot Yoga to change lives and create a central hub in Brisbane for a community of yoga teachers and students to grow together. His style as a teacher is fun and knowledgable, with a large dose of strength and challenge! Mantra created Flex’ annual yoga teacher training program starting in 2013 and has since taught a broad number of yoga teachers, both in terms of physical skill and in terms of deeply inspiring content that will nourish their students well beyond the physical level.

Living yogic philosophy on a daily basis and integrating these ancient practices into his modern lifestyle is one of Mantra’s passions. Students at Flex often comment on the incredible level of spiritual depth they encounter during their classes, and the elegance with which yoga philosophy is weaved into even the most physical asana class. This is the spirit Mantra lives and teaches, and the gift he wants to pass on to you, so you can carry it forward wherever you go …

Contact us if you have any questions - we are happy to help…