Posture of the month: Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance)
Forearm Balances are popular amongst yogis, and often one of the first advanced postures we are aspiring to learn. Many a yoga studio runs successful ‘Forearm Balancing’ day workshops, like we regularly do at Flex with our favourite acrobat, Darius Wright.
Pincha Mayurasana (say: Pin-cha-Mah-Yoor-Ah-sana) in Sanskrit means 'Feathered Peacock Stand' - from pincha: feather, mayura: peacock and asana: posture.
One of the articles I read when writing this blog post, mentioned that this posture got its name because "just as the peacock spans its feathers out, this asana is a beautiful showy pose that will need both skill and patience to perfect.". There we go! Ready?
Whilst improving your balance, it strengthens the shoulders, arms, core and back and is said to help against mild depression, as it calms the mind.
Make sure to be careful during pregnancy though, or if you are experiencing issues with headaches, high blood pressure or a weak heart. It is also recommended to practice this asana on an empty stomach.
Watch below how Flex studio manager Cameron explains the posture and how to get yourself ready, step by step, to master it correctly. And don’t forget: At Flex, we practice our Postures of the Month consistently in every one of our classes - either fully fledged (literally!) for the advanced students, or with the steps required to lead up to being able to do it safely and correctly. Join us, and give it a go - see you on the mat!!