Posture category of the month: Twists
Rotate, stretch and expand your range of motion…
Your asana practice, in many ways, lives off the alternation between tension and release. You push yourself and hold a posture, then feel the sweet relief of coming out of it with renewed strength and balance.
Yogic twists are a brilliant example of that, rotating your spine to stretch and strengthen your back muscles. And at the same time, massaging your intestines which holds great benefits for your digestive process.
Some of the benefits you can expect from practicing Twists
When twisting, you generally move your shoulder girdle to face in an opposing direction to your hips. This helps you in terms of:
Restoring your spine's natural range of motion. Given that many of us spend our days sitting on a desk, our back muscles and other tissues around the spine can become stiff and - over time - our joints might end up hardening and fusing. In addition, the surrounding supportive soft tissue can become short and dysfunctional. This can lead to pain and over time significantly impact our health and wellbeing. Practicing twists aids mobility and keeps you young and energetic.
Poor posture - another habit that can lead to back pain. Do you sometimes catch yourself sitting hunched over on your desk, due to a chair with poor back support? Or standing and walking with your shoulders drooping forward? Either way, the stretches yoga twists provide can provide serious relief and strengthen your muscles in the long run. In addition, decompressing your vertebrae by twisting gives you an instant energy lift, by allowing energy to flow better through your spine and entire body.
Your digestive function can be significantly improved. While twisting, your digestive organs are being compressed, which leads to a lack of circulation. Upon release, these organs are flooded with a rush or fresh blood, carrying fresh oxygen and nutrients, which increases their ability to function at an optimum level.
Remove stagnated impurities and gas from your digestive tract. The compression you experience when twisting, and the subsequent rush of blood, can help cellular detoxification and cleanse your digestive organs. BKS Iyengar said that twists are detoxifying due to the ‘squeeze and soak’ action, however this is being debated in the yoga world.
If you are suffering from anxiety…
Releasing stored tension will help you deal with stress. When practicing twists, you will love the feeling of opening your chest, shoulders and back. In addition, upon release, you will be able to breathe even more deeply, which helps decrease anxiety and is incredibly relaxing.
Counter indications - when to avoid twisting
If you are pregnant make sure not to compress your abdominal area. You can practice gentle open twists like Parivritta Janu Sirsasana after the first trimester. However, make sure to consult with an experienced prenatal yoga teacher, just in case.
If you have a spinal disc injury make sure to speak to your doctor or physiotherapist before you twist.
Chronic digestive issues - especially if due to inflammation – can be problematic. Whilst many students find twists helpful for digestive issues, best see your doctor and consult with them what’s appropriate.
If you suffer from SI joint dysfunction certain yoga poses won’t suit you. You could check with our yoga anatomy expert Suzie Kellett or read more about twists and the SI joint in general.
As always, remember to come along to Flex regularly and practice with us! There are over 25 classes/week, and we will practice Twists daily during all of March 2021!
For more details, visit DoYouYoga and EkhartYoga.